Short Run CD, 1-500 copies of your CD or DVD fast!

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What does the term "short run" mean?

Short run is an industry term used loosely to describe duplication in small quantities — typically 1-500 copies.

So what is 'long run?"

Long run is usually duplication of minimum quantities of 500 or 1,000 units and needs to be replicated at a factory. The advantage of long run is that the cost per unit is fairly low. The disadvantage is that long run usually takes 2-4 weeks to turnaround and you can't get small quantities.

When would I consider short run for my CD or DVD project?

Short run is ideal when you want less than 500 copies of your project or you can't wait the two to four weeks it takes to turnaround long run projects.

Why can't we just do it in hard can it be to burn a few CDs?

We hear this a lot. It's always followed by a series of phone calls that begin with "It sort of works but we're having problems getting the video to play properly" or "you can see the brand of the CD through the thin paper labels" or "our clients are complaining that the CDs don't work for them."

Burning your own CDs or DVD's may seem like a good idea at the time but the process can be frustrating and in the end, counterproductive. How will you get your PowerPoint© or video presentation to auto-play? How can you ensure compatibility with other systems and computers? How can make the CD or DVD look professional? When you add up the hours it takes to churn out just a few dozen CDs the true cost of "home made" becomes brutally apparent. Try the same with DVD-R's and you'll soon find how time consuming and technically challenging duplicating just a handful of DVD's can be.

That's where we come in. ShortRunCD bridges the giant gap between big factory replication and do-it-youself. We can help you create a professional and dynamic CD or DVD project. We print directly onto the disc face and additional print options are available. With our help your CD or DVD will play properly and look professional.

Why should I consider ShortRunCD as opposed to other short run duplication services?

We are a small but unique group of marketers, designers and multimedia specialists who are passionate about the work we do. Our core team is comprised of a diverse pool of creative talent spanning the fields of radio and video production, web design, new media technologies and marketing. Together we offer an incredible resource of technical and creative services for musicians and corporate clients who need to present the best combination of image and content.

We deliver highly effective marketing and communication tools by assimilating cutting edge technology with original and creative concepts. We want your CD or DVD to have impact — to make the best impression possible at its final destination — whether that's a record company, share holder, business lead or corporate contact.

In a nutshell, you should consider ShortRunCD because we have the most to offer. In addition to our major qualities; value, technical expertise and creativity, we strive to provide the highest level of customer service, support and satisfaction. We live up to our promises — and that means you can live up to yours.

How soon can we get our CDs/DVD's?

Turnaround time depends on many factors but small runs with supplied masters can usually be copied and shipped within a 2-4 days. Projects requiring design, video conversion or authoring work or duplication of high quantities may take longer. Your ShortRunCD service representative can provide a completion date on request.

I needed my CDs/DVD's yesterday. Can I get them tomorrow?

Well maybe not tomorrow, but how does the day after sound? Choose expedited service on your order form and we can ship most small projects within 24 hours!

Let's get this project started. What do we need to do?

For the fastest, most stress-free route, go to our Help Center and follow our Step-By-Step Ordering instructions.

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